Translation – Source:

O Allah, by Your knowledge of the unseen and Your power over creation, keep me alive so long as You know that living is good for me and take me away when You know that death is better for me. O Allah, cause me to fear You in secret and in public. I ask You to make me true in speech in times of pleasure and of anger. I ask You to make me moderate in times of wealth and poverty. And I ask You for everlasting delight and joy that will never cease. I ask You to make me pleased with that which You have decreed and for an easy life after death. I ask You for the sweetness of looking upon Your face and a longing to meet You in a manner that does not entail a calamity that will bring about harm or a trial that will cause deviation. O Allah, beautify us with the adornment of faith and make us among those who guide and are rightly guided.


Finding Strength and Peace through Trust in Allah

In times of hardship, particularly after Hurricane Milton, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. But as Muslims, we find strength, peace, and resilience by trusting Allah’s wisdom and guidance. One profound way we can seek this is through a heartfelt dua that reminds us of our purpose and the ultimate source of comfort: Allah.

Guidance and Protection: Trusting Allah’s Plan

Through this dua, we ask Allah to guide us by His knowledge and protect us by His power. In the wake of a natural disaster, when life’s trials seem too much to bear, we are reminded that only Allah knows what is best for us. We trust that His wisdom encompasses everything, even when we don’t fully understand. This trust brings calm, knowing that we are under Allah’s protection as we navigate the storm’s aftermath.

Life and Death: Allah’s Wisdom in Every Phase

We also acknowledge that our very existence is in the hands of Allah. This dua is a plea to live as long as life is good for us and to return to Allah when it is better for us to pass on. After the hurricane, some may have faced life-altering losses. In such moments, we are reminded that life and death are part of Allah’s divine plan, and both hold profound wisdom.

Fear of Allah: A Guide in All Moments

This supplication also asks for Allah’s consciousness in private and public situations. During difficult times, such as recovering from a hurricane, it’s easy to feel disconnected or lose sight of our faith. However, this reminder to fear Allah in all moments brings us back to a place of piety, grounding us in our relationship with Him and encouraging us to act with integrity, even when no one else is watching.

Truthfulness and Moderation: Balance in Chaos

We ask for sincerity and honesty in our speech during joy and anger. In times of distress, it’s easy to lash out or despair. However, remaining truthful and maintaining composure reflects our character and commitment to being true to our faith. Additionally, this dua emphasizes the importance of moderation during both ease and hardship. After Hurricane Milton, many of us may face financial or emotional struggles. Whether in wealth or poverty, asking for balance helps us find contentment regardless of our circumstances. This balance is key to surviving and thriving through any hardship.

Joy in Worship and a Desire to Meet Allah

Despite the difficulties we face, we also ask Allah to fill our hearts with the sweetness of worship, finding peace and joy in our acts of obedience. Even in times of trial, like recovering from a hurricane, we can seek solace in our prayers, knowing that Allah is with us. We ask for a deep yearning to meet Allah in a state of peace and without facing calamities that lead us astray. This dua helps us anchor our hearts in a connection with Allah that transcends worldly problems.

Contentment and Resiliency in Allah’s Decree

One of the most beautiful aspects of this dua is the request for contentment with Allah’s decrees. After experiencing a natural disaster, it’s easy to question why things happen the way they do. But by seeking contentment with Allah’s plan, we find resilience. We trust that everything, even the hardest moments, comes with a divine purpose. This acceptance strengthens our hearts, making us capable of facing whatever comes our way with patience and faith.

A Peaceful Afterlife and Guidance on the Right Path

We also ask for an easy life after death and for guidance in this life. Life is full of tests, and while we endure them, we constantly seek Allah’s advice to keep us on the straight path. By asking Allah to adorn us with the beauty of faith and to make us among those who guide others, we commit ourselves to living in a way that brings light to those around us.

In conclusion, this dua is not only a plea for Allah’s help and guidance but also a reminder of the contentment and resilience that come when we place our complete trust in Allah’s wisdom. For those of us in Florida who have faced the wrath of Hurricane Milton, we can find peace in knowing that through every challenge, there is an opportunity to grow closer to Allah, rely on His mercy, and emerge stronger in our faith and our character. May Allah grant us the strength to persevere and the wisdom always to be content with His decree. Ameen.